
How to Grow Spiritually: Part 3 (LIVE)

Episode 136

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Hosted by
Carl Joseph

Carl is a biblical scholar, minister, husband, father and life coach. In his mid-twenties he had a powerful encounter with God and saw miraculous healings as a result. He passionately shares these stories and empowers others to fulfill their God-given potential.

In this third and final broadcast of the series, Carl wraps up his teaching on spiritual growth, reminding us of the importance of studying and applying God’s word, in a lifelong endeavor to becoming a fruit bearer. Someone once said, “fruit is grown, but gifts are given.” This statement bears witness with spiritual matters, as Gods gifts are irrevocable (Rom 11:29). In sharp contrast, the fruit of the Spirit, which identifies the Christian, takes years to fully mature. We are all a work in progress, and no one has arrived yet. The abundance of spiritual fruit in our lives is a living testimony of our union with Christ. Join Carl now for insight into the fruit bearing process…

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Episode 136