Purpose can be defined as, “The object toward which one strives or for which something exists.” Trouble is, most folk are living out...
Many Americans find their lives devoid of meaning or purpose. In a recent poll, 40% of Americans state they have, “not discovered a...
One of the most powerful chapters in the Holy Bible is chapter ten of John’s Gospel. In this chapter, Christ labels His followers as sheep...
In this final broadcast, Carl takes the time to read several scriptures which address the topics of confidence and courage, explicitly. He...
No-one should be more confident than a believer in Christ, but how many people access the resident lion living on the inside of us? Do you...
Samson is perhaps the most famous biblical character known for courage but have you considered that he might have had an average physique...
In these last days, courage is perhaps the number one-character trait we need. In truth, our courage as Christians comes from the...
Unlike Old Testament Israel, who failed to produce the fruit of obedience, we have hearts which are cleansed from sin and have the capacity...
In this third and final broadcast, Carl gets down to brass tax and discusses the reasons we might feel rejected. It is crucial we guard our...
In this broadcast, Carl takes the time to reveal one of the most powerful concepts from the book of Genesis, namely the, Shame, Fear...
A wounded heart left unresolved can cause major problems in our lives, yet many people are the walking wounded without realizing it. In...
Did you know God’s word reveals the precise date of Christ’s crucifixion? Believe it or not, the Old Testament prophets, left clues as to...