
Making Wise Decisions: Part 2

Episode 107

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Hosted by
Carl Joseph

Carl is a biblical scholar, minister, husband, father and life coach. In his mid-twenties he had a powerful encounter with God and saw miraculous healings as a result. He passionately shares these stories and empowers others to fulfill their God-given potential.

In the second part of this series, Carl continues to review the various ways in which God guides us in making wise decisions. Carl reveals five key ways we can make godly choices in our everyday life from the Book of Proverbs. He also stresses the importance of utilizing all the provisions God granted to us when making important life choices. If you have a habit of making poor choices, then tune in now for some nuggets of wisdom which will get you on the right track.

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1 comment
  • I had the opportunity to be employed at a job l waited for for many years worked there part time they weren’t hiring full time as l neede benefits my full time employer did not know l was employed there while working at my full time job but the l was getting tired and commute was longer l left the pt job. Shortly after that l got Covid and l was out on medical leave ever since then my manager and fellow associates have not treated me well but now think l made the wrong decision How do l know l made the right decision about staying at a my current job of 15 years I am close to retirement age I have about five years to go I just feel that God gave me the opportunity to work at the job that I always wanted to work at and I didn’t listen to the right voice in my decision. my full-time job is only 5 miles away and the other job was about a half hour away, major highways, etc.. is there any Bible verse or anything I could refer to to know that I made the right choice I’m so confused please pray for me

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Episode 107