
Finding God’s Purpose for your Life: Part 3 (LIVE)

Episode 123

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Hosted by
Carl Joseph

Carl is a biblical scholar, minister, husband, father and life coach. In his mid-twenties he had a powerful encounter with God and saw miraculous healings as a result. He passionately shares these stories and empowers others to fulfill their God-given potential.

In this third and final installment, Carl identifies the importance of discovering our hidden talents and gifts, at the various stages of life. As we mature, we have the opportunity to glorify God with our talents. The reality is, many people are sitting on the sidelines waiting on God, but in actuality, God is waiting on them! We cannot walk on water if we’re not willing to get out of the boat! God is looking to us, to take the first step. Maybe it’s time to take that risk; the one that’s been nagging you for years. Let’s join Carl now as we conclude this series…

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Episode 123