The Great Pyramid of Giza: God’s Altar

Carl is a biblical scholar, minister, husband, father and life coach. In his mid-twenties he had a powerful encounter with God and saw miraculous healings as a result. He passionately shares these stories and empowers others to fulfill their God-given potential.

Pyramids have been shrouded in mystery from time immemorial. There are numerous pyramids on the earth, which circle the equator, yet our focus will be the Great Pyramid of Giza, which is situated perfectly on the Northern latitudinal line. Halley’s Bible Handbook says, “The amazing thing about the pyramids is that they were built at the dawn of history.”

Sir Francis Petrie calls the Pyramid of Cheops (Great Pyramid), “the greatest and most accurate structure the world has ever seen.” The Encyclopedia Britannica says “The brain power to which it testifies is as great as that of any modern man.” The Great Pyramid was the tallest building in the world for at least 3500 years. It was succeeded by the Lincoln Cathedral of England in the 15th century. But as we shall soon see, modern man could never replicate the construction of the Great Pyramid.

The pyramids of Giza, with the Great Pyramid and capstone

God’s Altar in plain sight

As Noah Hutchings put it, “Any attempt to enter the fray of Egyptology or studies relating to the Great sphinx or the Great Pyramid, typically attracts controversy.” Occultists commonly attribute these constructs as part of their world view, but we should not forget that Satan is a corrupter (Jn 8:44). Few realize, God’s word speaks of the Great Pyramid, in the Book of Isaiah:

“In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, And a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord. And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt: For they shall cry unto the Lord because of the oppressors, And he shall send them a savior, and a great one, and he shall deliver them. And the Lord shall be known to Egypt, And the Egyptians shall know the Lord in that day, And shall do sacrifice and oblation; Yea, they shall vow a vow unto the Lord, and perform it” Isaiah 19:19–21.

Scripture describes a ‘pillar’ and ‘altar’ in Egypt, as Gods witness to man. The ‘altar’ is the Great pyramid of Giza, which sits on the border of upper and lower Egypt (Gizeh means ‘border’). An altar has been defined as, “a place which serves as a center of worship or ritual.” As we shall soon see, the center of worship the Great Pyramid represents, is Christ himself. Notice the distinction of two constructs, i.e. altar, and pillar. Remember this, because Flavius Josephus, the Jewish Historian, will have something to say about this mysterious ‘pillar‘, as we read on.

Diagram D of Clarence Larkin showing the Great Pyramid of Giza situated precisely on the boundary between upper and lower Egypt plateaus

The Freemasons, The Illuminati, Astrologers, New Agers, Mystics etc. all take credit in the pyramids’ construction and lore. The notion that our Heavenly Father is the great architect of the Great Pyramid is scorned in popular culture because to recognize God’s handiwork, leaves man little choice but to acknowledge His existence. Acknowledging God always demands accountability to Him. The Great Pyramid is the foundation stone of the earth. It could be the very building mentioned by the Book of Job, in God’s rebuke to the patriarch:

Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare, if thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? Or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? Or who laid the corner stone thereof; When the morning stars sang together, And all the sons of God shouted for joy?” Job 38:4–7.

Is God the architect of the Great Pyramid?

Although I believe Job is referring to the earth’s literal creation, with the ‘sons of God’ (or angels) looking on, it could also have a double meaning, referring to the construction of the Great Pyramid or ‘foundation stone.’ This was first proposed by Clarence Larkin who posited its construction in tandem with the second visitation of the ‘Sons of God’ (Gen 6:1-2), in the post-antediluvian era. The prophet Jeremiah also cites the Great pyramid when he penned these words. Notice ‘even to this day’ (below) would be the 6th and 7th century B.C., of Jeremiah’s time, with the pyramids in full view:

“Great in counsel, and mighty in work: for thine eyes are open upon all the ways of the sons of men: to give every one according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings: Which hast set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, even unto this day, and in Israel, and among other men; and hast made thee a name, as at this day;” Jeremiah 32:19–20. 
How many camels can dance on the head of a pin?…or was it angels?…I forget…

Ancient Aliens or Ancient of Days?

The pyramids in the region are denoted as, “The Bent pyramid, The Red Pyramid, The Great Pyramid, Khafra’s pyramid, Amenemhat III’s pyramid, Menkaure’s pyramid, and Unas’ pyramid.” Indeed, there are a total of 118 pyramids within the region, extending through to modern day Sudan, but ‘the pyramids of Giza’ warrant particular attention, especially the Great Pyramid of Giza (aka the Great Pyramid of Khufu), which is the focus of this article.

Possible constructors of the pyramids include Aliens, Egyptians, Giants, Anunnaki, Assyrians, so on and so forth. The monumental edifices which concern us, were erected on the West Bank of the Nile River, near Al-Jizah (Giza) in northern Egypt. They were built on the west bank of the Nile to face the sunset, which some believe is tied to their worship of ‘Ra,’ the sun God, who was reborn every morning, in the east, and died every evening in the West.

It is not conspicuous to claim a divine origin for the Great pyramid. Down the years several notable scholars and scientists have pointed a heavenly purpose for it, including: Josephus, John Graves, Sir Isaac Newton, John Taylor, C. Piazzi Smyth, Dr. J. A. Seiss, J. Ralston Skinner, David Davidson, and James Rutherford. The lack of religious markings within the Great Pyramid is startling considering it lies in Egypt, the most idolatrous of nations, where every creeping thing was worshiped; whose emblems and talismans were emboldened on household items, tombs, and jewelry. This infers, the pyramids construction does not align with the Mosaic time-period, when God destroyed the infamous gods of Egypt, in ten divine judgements (see Exodus 7-11).

The 7 Ancient Wonders of the World

In ancient times, the Great Pyramid of Giza (2900-2500 B.C.) was described as the greatest of all the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, along with, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon (Iraq- 600 B.C.), the Statue of Zeus at Olympia (Greece), the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus (Greece- 550 B.C.), the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus (Turkey- 353 B.C.), the Colossus of Rhodes (Greece-1100 B.C.), and the lighthouse of Alexandria (Egypt- 270 B.C.).

The 7 Ancient Wonders of the World – In most cases these structures were built to glorify heathen gods…all but one.

Who built the Great Pyramid? A Marvel of construction

The Great Pyramid covers an area of thirteen acres and 2.6 million building blocks. Each block weighs 30 tons! The capstone of the pyramid is comprised of 144,000 limestone blocks, which being laid upon a bedrock foundation, could certainly have withstood Noah’s flood. The total weight of the Great Pyramid is 5.75 million tones. In six thousand years of history, the Great Pyramid has not settled even one inch. The same cannot be said of many gigantic modern constructs.

Deep inside the pyramid is the King’s chamber, housing rare red granite blocks, which could only have been sourced from quarries that are 600 miles from Giza. Considering horse and cart didn’t arrive until the 17th dynasty; this edifice was not built by conventional means, nor could it be replicated today. Is it mere coincidence, the capstone comprises 144,000 limestone blocks, considering there will be 144,000 Jewish witnesses for Christ, within the tribulation period (Rev 14)? Egypt is the epitome of a Gentile nation, a ‘type’ of the world and a source of tribulation for Israel. These blocks bear witness not only to Christ but the twelve tribes who spawned from the line of Seth and will ultimately testify of Him during Israel’s darkest hour.

The Great Pyramid as it was in its original splendor, adorned with white limestone and golden capstone, compared to now.

Historians claim the granite blocks were rolled from great distance on wooden rollers and would require 26 million wooden rollers to complete construction. This proves very difficult considering there are no forests in Egypt.  When Napoleon set eyes on the Great Pyramid, he claimed he could have built a ten-foot wall, all around France, with its stones. In fact, there is enough room within the pyramid to house all the cathedrals of Rome, Milan, London, Florence, and Westminster Abbey, combined.

Enoch the ‘year-cycle’ man: Cubits in Time

The length of each baseline of the Great Pyramid is 365.2422 cubits, the exact number of days in a solar year. Our calendar is 365 days per year, but due to leap years an extra day is added every fourth year in February. This is something the builders knew precisely. We must not forget that Enoch lived 365 years (Gen 5:23), the value of the solar year. Moreover, the Great Pyramid is described as the “Pillar of Enoch” by ancient writers. Enoch was in the line of Seth and Josephus ascribes the building of it, to the line of Seth.

The Book of Jude mentions Enoch as a prophet (Jude 14-15), and this year-circle man, was no doubt the architect of the Great Pyramid, who might have utilized giants in its construction. If God shared plans of His tabernacle with Moses and his temple with David, why not God’s altar to Enoch? The angle of the slope of the sides of the pyramid is such that they meet an apex with a predetermined height of 232.52 cubits. Why did the designer make it exactly this height? When twice the length of the base is divided by this number, we get 3.14159, or ‘pi’, the relationship of the diameter of a circle to its circumference.

Would you like a piece of ‘pi’?

Greece often gets the credit for this discovery (pi), and some suggest William Jones was the originator (circa. 1740). In truth, the pyramid builders were aware of this mathematical constant, centuries prior. When the diagonals of the pyramids base, are added together, the sum-total is exactly 25,827 inches. Coincidentally, it takes 25,827 years for the stars to complete a cycle and return to the exact position they were, at any one period of time. The precision of the Great Pyramid and its unique relationship with the heavenly bodies is far beyond comprehension, especially for an edifice, approaching five thousand years old.

Did this humble Welsh mathematician (William Jones) discover the famous constant ‘pi’?…who later became known as ‘Jones the ‘pi.’

The Great Pyramid: Fun Facts

The inside temperature of the Great Pyramid remains a temperate 68 Degrees Fahrenheit all year round, regardless of the weather. The pyramids originally had a bright white smooth limestone casing, yet in time, because of looting, they now look very different from their original design. There was also gold casing on the very top stone, (aka cornerstone). Firsthand accounts of these pyramids in their original splendor, dazzled the eyes of anyone in proximity, due to the reflection of the limestone in the hot Egyptian sun. Tunnels were not later ‘drilled’ into the pyramids, they were built in absence of the blocks which inflames our fascination with them.

The main pyramid structures total 9 and were constructed with immense precision – PLAN VIEW (Great Pyramid and Sphinx highlighted in Red)

Does the Great Pyramid point to Heaven?

The Great pyramid lies perfectly on the Northern latitude line. Could this be symbolic? God describes the heavenly city of Zion ‘in the sides of the North’ (Isa 14:13).  When the Levitical priest offered sacrifices in the tabernacle, they would offer them ‘northward toward the Lord’ (Lev 11:1). The implication is the Lord’s throne is in the ‘north,’ and the Great Pyramid alludes to this direction, situated perfectly on the Northern Latitudinal line. Salvation (promotion), also comes from the north (Ps 75:6). Heaven is in the northern part of the universe, according to scripture. In addition, the Great pyramids slope angles match the angles necessary to perceive a rainbow, having its origin in God’s throne (Rev 4:3).

The Great pyramid’s slope angles match the angles necessary to perceive a rainbow. Only a man who ‘walked with God’ would have known this (Gen 5:24).

When was the Great Pyramid built?

Most historians believe the Great Pyramid was built during the reign of the Egyptian King Cheops (2900 B.C.). This time frame equates to the time of the patriarch Enoch (Gen 5:21-24), son of Jared, a biblical figure who authored non-canonical texts. Biblical scholars believe the Great Pyramid or at least its construction, may have been witnessed by Abraham and certainly in view, when Moses led the children of Israel through the Red Sea. The Encyclopedia Britannica, places Cheops the Egyptian Pharaoh, credited for constructing the Great Pyramid, to be around 2900-2839 B.C., having a sixty-year lifespan.

Herodotus (Greek historian and geographer) visited Egypt in 450 B.C., interviewing priests who said, King Cheops built the Great Pyramid in 2900 B.C., thus a contemporary of Enoch. There is a statement made by Herodotus which warrants interest and infers the idea that “a different race,” built the Pyramids (not the Egyptians). Herodotus wrote: “The (Egyptian) people hate the memory of these two kings so much that they do not much wish to name them, and call the pyramids after the shepherd Philitis, who then pastured his flocks in this place” (Histories, 2.128). Who was this mysterious shepherd? Was Philitis another name for Enoch? The Line of Seth, would certainly have been shepherds and in parlance with the coming Great Shepherd.  

Herodotus (Greek historian and geographer – (484 B.C. – 425 B.C.) remarked that the pyramids were not built by Egyptians, but another sheep loving race, pointing to the Sethite lineage.

Built before or after Noah’s flood?

The latest date the Great Pyramid could have been built was 2170 B.C. Noah had one hundred names in many cultures, could Cheops or Philitis, be one of the many names of Enoch? Joseph had an Egyptian name bestowed to him upon his promotion to governor (Zaphnath-Paaneah). Clarence Larkin, Dr. J.A. Seiss, and others claim Cheops might have been Enoch. Tantalizingly, historians chronicle that Cheops closed the idolatrous temples at the time and began a religious revolution or rebellion, away from the traditional gods of Egypt. After visiting an island in the Nile River, he mysteriously ‘disappeared.’ Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him (Gen 5:24). Could Cheops and Enoch be one and the same?

Bishop James Ussher
(prolific Irish scholar) places the flood at 2349 B.C. If the Encyclopedia Britannica is correct in the dating of its construction, it means the Great Pyramid was built approximately 500 years before the flood and certainly within the Enochian period. Due to the evidence of water erosion prevalent around the base of the pyramids and the Sphinx, I believe the correct timeline for its construction is most certainly antediluvian. Whether or not the sons of God or their hybrid progeny (i.e. Nephilim or Giants) were involved in its construction is pure speculation, albeit their immeasurable strength and brain capacity, would certainly have proven very useful.

Could the Pyramids and Sphinx survived Noah’s flood?…Erosion analyses say ‘yes.’

Christ the Chief Cornerstone

There is only one building on earth that requires a five-sided ‘cornerstone.’ Strangely to this day, there is no cornerstone atop the Great Pyramid. It would inconceivable for Enoch (aka Cheops) to spend such resources on an edifice and leave it uncapped, but why? Because the Great pyramid in an of itself is a testimony of Christ’s coming to earth (see 1st Pet 2:4-8, Luke 20:17-18, Heb 4:3, Mat 25:34, 1st Pet 1:20, Rev 13:8, Job 38:6-7).

The missing capstone points to unfinished business in the time of Enoch, fulfilled only by the cornerstone himself (Christ).

Clarence Larkin, put it this way, “The Great Pyramid is the only form of building that conforms to the symbolic description of a spiritual building spoken of in scripture, of which Christ is the chief cornerstone (Eph 2:20-22). There is no chief cornerstone in architectural construction, but in a building of pyramidal form, and in shape it is exactly like the building it tops out…Being five sided, there is no place for it in the building until the finishing touch is given, and therefore the builders rejected it until it was needed.”

Christ is a rock of offense (1 Cor 1:23) and rejected by many, to their detriment. The Great Pyramid is therefore the Spiritual Building of which Christ is the “Chief Cornerstone” and a great example of geometry and allegory working in tandem with one another. God’s altar pointed to a time in the future when the building would be completed by Christ’s visit to the earth (1st coming).

Seth’s two pillars of Judgment – Josephus

Flavius Josephus, the famous Roman-Jewish historian (37 A.D.- 100 A.D.), believed the Great Pyramid was built before the flood by the Sons of Seth, of whom Enoch was a member. According to Josephus (Book 1, Chapter 2, 68-71), the family of Seth, the third son of Adam, was noted for constructing a particularly long-lasting monument, which was one of two pillars (one of brick and another of stone) warning of God’s judgment upon a rebellious creation:

“...Now this Seth...did leave children behind him who imitated his virtues.... They also were the inventors of that peculiar sort of wisdom which is concerned with the heavenly bodies, and their order. And that their inventions might not be lost before they were sufficiently known, upon Adam's prediction that the world was to be destroyed at one time by the force of fire, and at another time by the violence and quantity of water, they made two pillars; the one of brick, the other of stone: they inscribed their discoveries on them both, that in case the pillar of brick should be destroyed by the flood, the pillar of stone might remain, and exhibit those discoveries to mankind; and also inform them that there was another pillar of brick erected by them. Now this remains in the land of Siriad to this day.”
Did Josephus rightly surmise the Great Pyramid and Sphinx are the two pillars of Adam, found in the ancient land of ‘Siriad’ (modern day Egypt)?

In the time of Josephus, Siriad, was a part of Egypt and there can be no doubt, Josephus was referring to the Great Pyramid, since it reflects astronomical knowledge beyond even that of today. Some contend the brick edifice was destroyed in Noah’s flood (..or does the Sphinx offer another clue?). It is certain however, the pillar of stone (Great Pyramid) remains to this day, as a witness that God will soon destroy the earth by fire (2nd Pet 3:10). It is conceivable that the pyramids along with the Sphinx could have survived Noah’s deluge, having a combined weight of upwards of 20 million tones, which incidentally have not settled one inch in thousands of years, despite being built on sand.

It is important to realize Josephus had special access to all the writings of the scribes and the prophets that were in the Jewish temple as priest of Israel and governor of the province of Galilee. He took it upon himself to write a complete history of the Jewish nation, in lieu of its destruction and diaspora. It is doubtful he would have mentioned these pillars if they were not supported or documented by written evidence. It is important to realize that every one of the pyramids of Egypt contained tombs except the Great Pyramid, which is significant. No body was found in the Throne Room of the Great Pyramid and was left vacant for a reason.

What does the Great Pyramid represent? – Clarence Larkin

The following is a synopsis of Larkin’s major findings of the Great Pyramid:

  1. The descending entrance to (H) is an unfinished chamber but is surely symbolic of those souls who enter hell in the afterlife. The rear side of this passageway (BB), points to Alpha Draconis (aka the Dragon-Satan), who leads men to Hell. The cavern (S) is another access point to hell, for those who continue in the law, without acknowledging Christ as Savior.
  2. The ascending passage in contrast (D) leads to the Grand gallery, and represents the short period from the exodus to the birth of Christ.
  3. The Grand Gallery is symbolic of the birth of Christ, to the rapture of the church. The seven overhanging courses of stone that form the sides of the Grand Gallery represent the seven church periods.
  4. The low passageway (T) at the end of the Great Gallery represents the short tribulation period, where man must bow to Satan, having rejected Christ.
  5. Just prior to (R) there is a small outlet at the top of the Great Gallery, symbolic of the rapture of the church prior to the tribulation, gaining access to the Kings chamber (Christ).
  6. The small anteroom (M) represents the millennial reign of Christ and (P) the rebellion of Gog and Magog at the end of the Millennium.
  7. The king and queens chamber are both vacant and were never meant as burial chambers due to their symbolism of the dead in Christ (Bride-Queen) and Christ himself (Bridegroom-King).
  8. Finally, in the King’s ‘chamber,’ we find the only article of furniture in the pyramid, a coffer. It is a lidless empty box, cut from a solid block of red granite, and polished within and without, having no inscription. Its inside length and width are large enough to receive a man of six feet tall, but it was never used. Remarkably, its interior is exactly equal to that of the ark of the covenant!
  9. Many scholars believe there is one chamber yet to be found, as all existing chambers point to a ‘New Jerusalem.’ It is likely this chamber exists along the vertical line (N).
Scripture also testifies of 'chambers',“Their line is gone out through all the earth, And their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, And rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race. His going forth is from the end of the heaven, And his circuit unto the ends of it: And there is nothing hid from the heat thereof” (Psalm 19:4–6).

The bridegroom coming out of His chamber speaks of Christ’s resurrection. The vacant King and Queen chambers within the Great Pyramid point to the Body of Christ and Christ himself, who left His chamber, ascended to God’s throne but will soon return in the air for His glorious Bride (1st Thess 4:16-17).

Flat Earth Fantasy – Charles Piazzi Smyth

For millennia man believed the earth to be flat and that all heavenly bodies revolved around earth. But the designer of the Great Pyramid knew this was not the case. Each side of the Great Pyramid measured from corner sockets is 9,140 British Inches. Charles Piazzi Smyth, the first scientist to intensely study the Great Pyramid, was puzzled why the baseline of each of the sides were curved inwardly, at the exact middle to a depth of three feet.

Upon further investigation he discovered that in relation to the entire pyramid, the curve corresponded to the exact curvature of the earth. If you stand off and survey the Great Pyramid at distance, each side looks straight, or flat. Yet, for perfect construction, both visually and physically, the sides needed to match the degree of the curvature of the Earth.

Charles Smyth (1846-1888) made startling discoveries regarding the curvature of the earth, embedded within the ancient design of the Great Pyramid

The Sphinx – Pre-flood Monument?

The Holy Bible says, “God walks in the circuit of heaven” (Job 22:14). It has been suggested the Sphinx united the first and last sign on the astrological chart, representing the procession of the constellations, which now total eighty-eight. If the sphinx has the body of a lion and head of a woman, it is symbolic of the zodiac or Mazzaroth, beginning with the virgin (Mary) and ending with the Lion (of the tribe of Judah, aka Jesus Christ-Rev 5:5).

The Sphinx having the body of a lion and head of a woman, is symbolic of the zodiac or Mazzaroth signs, beginning with the virgin (Mary) and ending with the Lion (of the tribe of Judah, aka Jesus Christ-Rev 5:5).

It is well known by those who have investigated and researched the construction of the Sphinx, that the lion section (base) was originally built with bricks, and stone was added in a remodeling process much later. Which leads us to the tantalizing question: Was the Sphinx, the very monument made by brick, which Josephus described, as a warning of judgment and referred to by the Prophet Isaiah (Isa 19:19-21), in close proximity to the other pillar (Great Pyramid of Stone)? Evidently it survived the deluge, albeit subject to much water erosion.

Archeological inspections of the Sphinx, (circa 1995), verify Piazzi Smyth’s estimation of the Sphinx being much older than first considered and possibly pre-flood. The older section of the Sphinx has water erosion (evidence of the flood), in addition to ‘wind’ or aeolian erosion. Did the Book of Job make mention of this water erosion and damage of the Sphinx and Great Pyramid, during Noah’s flood, when he said, “And the rock is removed out of its place, the waters wear the stones (Job 14:18-19).

The Pyramid and ‘the heavens’

The latest date mentioned for the completion of the Great Pyramid is 2170 B.C., because during that year, a line can be drawn from the center of the pyramid base through its apex, intersecting the star Alcyone in the heavens. Also in that very same year, the long straight shaft, up the subterranean, chamber would have pointed exactly to Alpha Draconis, the polar star of that year.

Alpha Draconis (aka Thuban) is a star located 270 light-years from Earth in the constellation of Draco, the Dragon. It was during the time of the Great Pyramids completion, Alpha Draconis appeared as the North Star. In the year 2787 B.C., it was almost precisely at the point of celestial north. However, Earth’s axis shifts in precession, and today Polaris is now the North Star. In 2000 years our Horth Star will become Gamma Cephei. It’s ironic the constellation of the dragon appeared once as our north star, but our true north no longer lies in that direction. Satan was kicked out of the sides of the north (heaven) and fell like lightening. Christ witnessed this himself (Luk 10:18) and we no longer orient ourselves to his polar direction.

The immense precision of the Great Pyramid points to an architect accustomed to the full knowledge of the stars and intimate with their procession…Was this Enoch?

Astoundingly, the position of these two stars (Alcyone and Alpha Draconis) in relation to the Great Pyramid, will not occur again until the completion of the precession of the equinoxes, or 25,857 years later. Did you know that when the length of the diagonals of the pyramids base (in pyramid inches) is totaled, we have exactly 25,857 inches! Genesis 1:14 says the sun, moon, and stars, are given for signs and seasons, in addition to the factoring of time.  The Hebrew word translated as “signs” in this Scripture is “oth,” which can refer to a sign or signal, as in a flag, beacon, or monument. The builder of the Great Pyramid utilized this monument as a sign for the capstone to come (Christ) and documented the procession of time in stone.

The Book of Enoch

I believe the Great pyramid is a monument built by Enoch pointing to a ‘god-man’ or ‘cornerstone’ who was prophesied to come in 456 prophecies of the Old Testament (Click here to find out more about the chances of all these prophecies being fulfilled). Other scholars claim its designer to be Job, Seth, Methuselah, or Abraham, but was no doubt, built for God’s glory, whoever was involved.

The Book of Enoch, (a non-canon text), tells of things which could only be understood in our generation, which has been granted knowledge and wisdom to unlock the mysteries of God, “I understood as I saw, but not for this generation, but for a remote one which is for to come” (1 Enoch 1:2-3). In two separate instances, Enoch describes, ‘seven magnificent mountains of stone’ (1st Enoch 18:6; 1st Enoch 24:2):

And I went beyond it and saw seven magnificent mountains all differing each from the other, and the stones (thereof) were magnificent and beautiful, magnificent as a whole, of glorious appearance and fair exterior; three towards the east, one founded on the other, and three towards the south, one upon the other, and deep rough ravines, no one of which joined with any other”
(1st Enoch 24:2).

"And I proceeded and saw a place which burns day and night, where there are seven mountains of magnificent stones, three towards the east, and three towards the south" (1st Enoch 18:6).

Could these be a description of the pyramids themselves? The number seven is significant and is symbolic of God’s perfection. From plan view, the Queens pyramids lie directly to the East and South of the Great Pyramid, which adds further intrigue. Adorned in white limestone, their exterior would appear ‘glorious’ and ‘fair’ shimmering in the midday Egyptian sun, as Enoch describes.

Are the pyramids the ‘seven mountains’ of stone which Enoch saw?…Were two added later?

Enoch documented his encounters, when he walked with God (Gen 5:24), and built a monument which needed a cornerstone, pointing to Christ himself (Ps 118:22). Enoch’s constructs serve to capture or replicate ‘the heavens’ in the stones of the earth, one as a pillar of brick (sphinx) and the other of stone (Great Pyramid), as Josephus and Isaiah, described.

The question is, will you embrace the cornerstone or be crushed by it (Mat 21:44)?

Have you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ? If not, click here to find out more…

Author: Carl G M Joseph


This article is dedicated to the splendid research of Brother Noah W. Hutchings which can be found in the following book:

The Great Pyramid: Prophecy in Stone, Noah W. Hutchings (Defender Publishing, Crane, Mo: 1996; 2010). This article is a summary of his findings and I take no credit for it.

World Almanac

Testimony in Stone – J. Bernard Nicklin (Destiny Publishers, Merrima, Massachusetts, 1961)

The Fantastic Mystery of the Pyramids Saga June 1972

Dispensational Truth: God’s Plan and Purpose in the Ages (Clarence Larkin) Whitaker House, New Kensington, PA. 2020

R. H. Charles and W. O. E. Oesterley, The Book of Enoch (London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1917), Enoch 24:2.

The Mystery of the Sphinx – Narrated by Charlton Heston

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