The Olivet discourse is found in all three Synoptic Gospels and is Christ’s response to three important questions His disciples asked. In particular...
The parable of the five foolish virgins is often used as a metaphor for the rapture of the church, yet this Jewish wedding story holds important...
The church is a restraining influence in the earth; our very presence stems the tide of evil. The Apostle Paul made it clear the Antichrist or...
Did you know that the Apostle Paul and Moses have much in common? They both spent lengthy periods in the Arabian desert, receiving deep revelations...
The Bible is clear, we should look for the soon return of Jesus Christ, never the Antichrist. The Rapture of the church is a fundamental doctrine...
The Bible warns against philosophy but there’s a particularly nefarious philosophy which supersedes all others. ‘Hegelianism,’ or ‘The Hegelian...
The Bible explicitly states that ‘God is love’ but few realize God’s love is both nurturing and corrective. The corrective side of God is often...
To some Christians tithing is merely an Old Testament practice which has been done away with. But what if tithing existed prior to the law and was...
In this broadcast, Carl describes the two Holy Spirit outpourings. Every Christian has experienced the Spirit ‘within’ as newness of life resides...
We need guts to do the Lord’s work in these last days, as there are perilous times ahead. God’s word proclaims His, ‘righteous are as bold as a...
Is money your God? The Bible says you cannot serve both God and money…it’s time to choose. Ironically, money will never make you happy, because the...
Holy Scripture is not only inspired and inerrant, but God also promised to preserve His Holy Word for every generation. This promise culminated in...