

The Dangers of Socialism

Did you the know the founder of communism (Karl Marx) was once a Christian but his heart later became filled with hatred for God? This sentiment was...

9 common hindrances to answered prayer

Is it possible to pray beyond God’s ability? Most would respond saying, ‘of course not…God can do anything!’ In actuality, God is restricted by His...

Is God Sovereign?

There’s a common notion within Christendom that God is ‘sovereign,’ which infers He’s in control of everything. What exactly is He in control of? If...

17 reasons why Evolution is a lie

The halls of academia are adorned with the statues of men who’ve propagated evolution. Charles Darwin is revered by academics as the father of modern...

The Dead Sea Scrolls

In the spring of 1947 Bedouin goat-herders, searching the cliffs along the Dead Sea for a lost goat, came upon a cave containing jars filled with...

Jesus our Healer

The Body of Christ understands Jesus died for their sins but few appropriate the physical healing our atonement also provides. Jesus’s sacrifice was...

The Power of the Cross

Did you know you possess riches beyond compare? Your ignorance of this wealth is costing you on a daily basis. The Apostle Peter admonishes us to...

Scientology or Science Fiction?

If the tenets of scientology sound like they came straight from the pages of a science fiction novel, then you’d be right. Its founder, Ron L...

Laws of the New Testament

As the saying goes “ignorance is no defense in the eyes of the law”; that’s why the Bible compels us to cry out for ‘knowledge,’ ‘wisdom’...

Is Mormonism a Cult?

“Right now, Mormonism or the ‘latter-day Saints movement’ has about fifteen million adherents worldwide with roughly 57% of them living outside...

Are you at odds with yourself?

Some people seem to get in their own way – I’m sure anyone can relate, but did you know the Epistle of 2nd Timothy speaks specifically of those...