I wish all our listeners a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 2023 has been an exciting year from a prophetic viewpoint and I feel next year...
Which is more impactful, listening to a parakeet or ‘the’ paraclete? Find, out in this broadcast! The role of Holy Spirit is multifaceted and He...
In this intriguing two part series, Carl highlights key chapters of the Bible, which provide deep insight, regarding practical truths to live by...
In this third and final installment, Carl identifies the importance of discovering our hidden talents and gifts, at the various stages of life. As we...
Purpose can be defined as, “The object toward which one strives or for which something exists.” Trouble is, most folk are living out purposeless...
Many Americans find their lives devoid of meaning or purpose. In a recent poll, 40% of Americans state they have, “not discovered a satisfying life...
One of the most powerful chapters in the Holy Bible is chapter ten of John’s Gospel. In this chapter, Christ labels His followers as sheep. Sheep are...
In this final broadcast, Carl takes the time to read several scriptures which address the topics of confidence and courage, explicitly. He also...
No-one should be more confident than a believer in Christ, but how many people access the resident lion living on the inside of us? Do you believe...
Samson is perhaps the most famous biblical character known for courage but have you considered that he might have had an average physique at best? I...
In these last days, courage is perhaps the number one-character trait we need. In truth, our courage as Christians comes from the indwelling spirit...
Unlike Old Testament Israel, who failed to produce the fruit of obedience, we have hearts which are cleansed from sin and have the capacity to...