
Trusting God for His best: Part 2 (LIVE)

Episode 143

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Hosted by
Carl Joseph

Carl is a biblical scholar, minister, husband, father and life coach. In his mid-twenties he had a powerful encounter with God and saw miraculous healings as a result. He passionately shares these stories and empowers others to fulfill their God-given potential.

The Book of Romans offers three paths; namely, the good, perfect, and acceptable will of God. As we renew our mind by meditating on God’s word, our ability to resist worldly temptations will be strengthened. By doing so, we can enter into the ‘good’ and ‘perfect’ will of God. The lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and pride of life, constantly seek to entangle us with fleshly endeavors which undermine God’s plan for us. As we seek to delight in God and his Word, His will becomes manifest in our lives. Join Carl now for second part of this live broadcast…

Here is a complete transcript of the podcast…(below)

Friend, this is part two of trusting God for His best. Let’s join me now, live in session. When you say it out loud, you cast your care, you’re empowering the spirit man on the inside of you. By saying it over yourself, you’re agreeing with the word, amen? So, we were believing for a house a few years ago. That looks like Marge Simpson’s house, but this isn’t the house. But faith has got to be practical. You know, we’ve got to be believing for stuff. We can have knowledge, but we’re still going to engage in the faith realm. We’re going to believe for some stuff. So, I was believing for a house.

Had an idea of what it would look like. Had my heart set on this thing. But all the while, we were praying, Lord, we want your perfect will. We want your perfect will. That’s what we were praying. And basically, this house of my dreams, man, was sold to somebody else. And I was like, we miss God. We miss God. We’re in trouble. I knew that was it. We didn’t pray hard enough, right? Faith mode goes into your brain. Whatever. So, later on, the Lord said to me, what was wrong with that house? And I was like, nothing at all. We missed it. I’m so bummed, etc. No. He said, what is wrong with it? And when I actually looked at it in more detail and thought about it, I was compromising what I wanted. I was making some compromises, right? And he’s saying, son, I’m not going to give that to you, because that’s not your heart’s desire, okay? Now, this is a big thing. It’s a house. It’s a life event, all right? When we actually found our home, it still wasn’t that inside of me, wow, this is awesome. I liked it a lot, but the confirmation wasn’t there. When I was in Bible college, for some reason, I was just praying one day, and I saw like a glimpse of the front of a house with a tree on the left. I could see the house. It had a deck. And I saw this glimpse with a lawn, and I was like, wow, what is that? And then I saw the inside of it as well. But the moment I walked into this house, that’s exactly what I saw. I saw the banister in a certain position.

I knew this was the one. But as time has gone on, it’s definitely an awesome home for us, and it’s confirmed in my heart that that is the one, okay? But sometimes there’s disappointments, right? We don’t always get what we want initially, because you have to realize that He has His best for you. Amen? He has His best. We’ve got to be open. We’ve got to be pliable. This is a benign example for a home, okay? There’s a thousand examples we could use. Whatever you’re believing God for, be open to adjustments in what you’re believing, and also open in your heart towards God. Maybe there’s some wounding that needs to be resolved. And I’ve found that when I go through some sort of correction or a chastisement that’s positive, right after that, there’s a breakthrough.

He has the stuff, but He’s wanting the character to be addressed to move into that promotion, all right? Amen? How would we pray for God’s perfect will? Someone said, good is often the enemy of best. Some people compromise. Oh, that’s good. Well, you could have had best. Don’t you want best? No, I’ll settle for good. The thing is, later on, you find out. You’re like, man, okay, I could have gone for best. So this is how I would pray. Let’s choose an arbitrary example for a motor vehicle. Father, I need a car. You know my heart better than anyone. This is the kind of car that I want, but I want Your perfect choice for me. Add that caveat in. Your Word says that You will meet my needs, right? You’ve got to stand on the Word. Whenever you petition the Father, you have to come with what He said as a backup for what you’re believing for. You need to have Word for what you’re believing for, okay? If someone says to me, I’m believing for this, I’m saying, what verse are you standing on? Well, nothing in particular. Well, that’s what you’re going to get, nothing in particular, right? You have to be specific, all right? The how and the when is up to Him. The how and the when is not up to you.

It’s up to Him, okay? That’s the compromise. Things can work out wonderfully, but it’s never the way you thought it was going to be, right? And that’s the point. You have to trust Him in the process of the believing. That’s the difficult part, all right? So, we have to believe we receive when we pray as well. Mark 11:24, very famous verse, right? What sort of things you desire when you pray, believe that you receive them and you will have them. You don’t believe them when you get it. You believe it when you pray. You believe it at the time when you pray, amen? Very important. So if you don’t believe that you can receive this thing when you pray, don’t pray it. In other words, build up your faith in an area and then believe when you’re ready. That’s very important, because on the flip side of prayer is wounding. Well, I prayed, and it didn’t happen, and I’m ticked off, and I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because you hadn’t built up your faith in that area before you prayed. I mean, this is very elementary, I know, but it’s important, right? Jesus said, Be it unto you according to as you have believed. So our belief system comes into play, and many denominations don’t even want to acknowledge that. You know, there’s many verses in the Gospels where Jesus talked about the corresponding action of the person. You stretched out your hand to rise up and walk, right? A response. But we don’t want to respond many times, and we’re going, well, why did we not receive? So, yeah, my brother, who’s called Adam, not this Adam. So anyway, so I’m believing for this car, right? I moved to the U.S. I wanted a Trans Am, something nice, something shimmery, something fast, right? Represent. And so I’m believing for the Trans Am, and I went to the place, and he’s like, You don’t even have credit history, man. I can’t even give you this car, okay? You’re a foreigner.

Anybody outside of Texas is a foreigner, basically. He’s like, Go away. So I was like, Okay, great. So I went off. You know, I had a good job and stuff. I mean, I had the cash, but, you know, it was like, Nope, it’s not going to happen. Went home for Christmas. I started believing. I said, God, I want this car. I want this car. I’m believing you. I’m standing on Philippians 4:19. I’m believing for a Trans Am. It’s got to be blue, okay? It’s got to be Go Faster stripes, amen? Alloy wheels. So the shallowness of the pastor came out, and then he’s like, So in prayer, I got this word, and the Lord says, Okay, you want that car? Yeah. Now, I had a car in England, okay? So I’d moved to the UK. I couldn’t transport it. It was a BMW. It was only about two years old. It was a sweet ride, about six inches from the ground. It was an ex-ambassador’s car. It looked the bomb. Anyway, the Lord says, Yeah, give that car to your brother. Just give it to him. Don’t even sell it. I’m like, Whoa, I rebuke you, devil. Whoo! I rebuke you, man. I bind you in Jesus’ name. So that was the end of that. Next day, I’m like, Lord, I want that car. He’s like, Yep, give it to your brother. You’ll have the car. I’m like, Man.

I didn’t want to sell the car, let alone give it, okay? Now, my brother, you know, he needed one at the time. He didn’t really tell me. His old, you know, clapper, his Peugeot RXI was on its last wheels, and he wasn’t really sharing it. And it turned out that he really needed this car. And I did buckle on the last day before I went back. I was there for like 10 days. I said, Look, I’ll give you the car. And he’s like, What? You’re going to give me that car? Et cetera. You know, represent, handshake, men bonding, brotherly love, all that stuff. So I went home kicking and screaming, ticked off. You know, God, I can’t believe I just threw like, you know, 10 grand away. Are you kidding me? So I’m just being real with you, okay? And so I went back to Houston, and I was just looking at the TV, and this dealership kept coming up. And I’m like, Hmm. And the commercials were so cheesy. You know, they looked like, Hey, man, come here. We’ll give you a sweet deal. You know, I was like, No, the Lord’s like, Go there. I was like, Uh.

So I just let it ride for about a month. He’s like, Go there. You’ll get a deal. I walked in the door, and this guy just came up to me very friendly, shook hands with me. I described what I wanted. He’s like, Hmm, okay, yeah. That’s quite the vehicle. And he’s like, Well, let me run your credit. And I was like, Sure. Here’s my social security number. He came back. He’s like, You don’t have any credit. I was like, Yeah, that’s correct. He’s like, Hmm. Normally, I would never do this. Hmm. Do you go to church? I was like, Are you a believer in God? I was like, Yeah. And he goes, It turns out that this guy was the guy who sold John Osteen.

Every one of his Cadillacs was the guy I was talking to right in front of me. So he tried to win me over to Christ. He started talking about Jesus to try and see if I was saved or not. He established I was saved. And I said, Yeah, I go to Lakewood Church right now. Hmm, interesting. So let me just go off and talk to my boss. He comes back about 15 minutes later. I could tell they were having a heated debate there. It wasn’t like a casual conversation. He was really going back and forth. And he just came out. He said, You know what? We can do something. We can do something this one time. That dealership had never done this before. They’d never sold a car of that value without any credit whatsoever. And so, praise God, it happened, alright? And me and that guy, we laid hands on that car. We prayed in the Holy Ghost before we drove away. Now listen to that. What are the chances of that? But I had to give away a BMW. No, no, I’m over it.

I had to give the car away, alright? It required a sacrifice, right? Some of us don’t want to sacrifice. If we do exactly what God says, He’s going to do it, alright? And that’s really the difficulty is we don’t want to actually do what He says, alright? And if we ignore what He says, we don’t get what we want, alright? And then we get upset, alright? So, if you are believing God for something right now and you’ve reached a point of resistance and it’s taken a long while, you might want to just check in with Him and say, Lord, am I missing something here? Should I make an adjustment, alright? I’m not saying that is the case, but it could be the case, alright? So we need to be open. We need to be pliable. We need to be sensitive, right? And, you know, people love the timing question, right? When is this going to happen? When is that going to happen? Have you found that God doesn’t really answer those questions? Acts 1:7, Jesus said to the disciples, “it is not for you to know the times of the season which the Father has put in His own power.” Whoa.

That was in reference to when are you coming back, right? He was about to just sail off into the sunset and they’re like, hey, when are you going to come back? He’s like, it’s not for you to know the times and the seasons, alright? And there’s times and seasons in our life. The word for time, there’s two words. There’s chronos and kairos. Kairos. Chronos is chronology. It’s the day-to-day. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 2018, 19, 20. Then there’s special kairos times which are times set aside by God where special things happen in our lives. Alright? I have a separate teaching on that. But we want to embrace the kairos moments going into a new room at Hope Community Church. That’s a kairos moment. Boom! Tonight. It’s not just another Monday, Wednesday night. No, no, no, no. This is our kairos time, alright? And next week, we will have coffee. Fresh coffee available in the corner, okay? So we have to be patient in order to see God’s perfect will manifest. It’s the patient side, right? And then just as we’re getting impatient, it’s time to have Ishmael. Then we’re going to change his diapers. And man, that Ishmael’s a drag, man.

He stinks. I’ve been with him for 12 years. You didn’t have to have Ishmael in the first place. But some people are carrying Ishmael around, right? They made that decision, and now they’re going to live with it. And we don’t want that, friend. We don’t want Ishmael, okay? We want to wait for Isaac, and sometimes it can take a while. It can take a while, right? It’s through faith and patience that we inherit the promise. Remember that. Hebrews 6:12-13, Faith and patience. And what is patience? It’s waiting well, right? Otherwise, you would say it’s through faith and waiting that we inherit the promise. No, it’s patience, which is waiting well. How many have got patience down? Anybody else? Thank you for your honesty, brother. You are welcome to come back any time. Amen.

Brother Hagin would say, and now this is powerful. The Lord spoke to him. He said, I’d rather my people be one step behind me than two steps in front. Now listen to that. It’s better to be nudged from behind and get that little pat on the tush from the Lord. You know, I told you to do that. Now it’s the time. It’s better to be that way than I’m going to run 16 steps in this direction and hope God’s in it. How many have done that? Everybody in the room. You know, well, I just assumed that God was in that. Amen. He was not in that, and it can be quite stressful when you find out that he isn’t.

Right? Okay. All joking aside, we really need to get a hold of this, that sometimes, even when we’re asking the Lord stuff, we want to know when and how it’s going to happen, and frankly, it’s not for you to know that. They’re in his hands, all right? It’s up to us to trust him. It’s that old-timey trust, and so one of the Hebrew idioms for trusting is to lean, but see, whenever you lean, you make a commitment. As soon as you’re there, you’re going to fall over unless someone helps you, unless somebody is there to hold you, and the Lord wants you to make that commitment, but the trouble is, we’re like this. I trust you, Lord. We’ll pick it up again tomorrow. Until tomorrow, good night, God bless, and remember to spread the good news.



Title: Trusting God for His best: Part 2 (LIVE)

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