We’ve all seen the coexist bumper sticker which lumps Christianity in the same bucket as other religions. This ecumenical decal no doubt purveys a spirit of solidarity on the surface, but is it right to designate Christianity as merely one of many paths to God? The coming world religion will unite humanity under the banner of apostasy, preaching an ‘all-inclusive’ gospel with no moral absolutes. However, few realize this religion will also serve as the platform for the coming false prophet (Rev 16:13). Join Carl now as he investigates the resurgence of MYSTERY BABYLON in our day and age…
Here is a complete transcript of the podcast (below)…
Friend, I’m sure you’ve seen the co-exist car bumper sticker out there. It has the Islamic crescent moon for the letter “C”, the Wiccan pentacle or peace symbol for the letter “O”, a male/female symbol is substituted for “E”, the letter “X” as the star of David representing Judaism, then we have a pagan symbol substituted for the letter “i”, then a Chinese yin-yang symbol for the letter “S” and finally, at the very end, the cross of Christianity represented by the letter “T”. Coexistence of course infers that one religion does not have precedence over another and everyone should respect each other’s differences resolving conflicts non-violently, which certainly sounds wonderful on the surface. But friend, the Bible clearly states there is only one truth not “many truths”.
There are not many paths to the summit of salvation-mountain but one way only. In Jn 14:6, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Friend Christ is the only way to heaven; he has been the only way and always will be the only way, despite what some bumper stickers might declare. The truth is Christianity is exclusive not inclusive as some postulate. It includes those who’ve accepted the truth of the Gospel and hereby excludes those who won’t accept the truth. To lump Christianity in the same bucket with other false religions is offensive to Christ, the true Gospel and Christianity as a whole because the reality is, unless, Muslims, Buddhists, Protestants, Catholics, Scientologists, Mormons, Jehovah’s witnesses, Kabbalists or even heathens accept Jesus as savior and become born again, they’re on the road to Hell.
Friend there’s a venomous lie sown within the fabric of today’s’ society that all religions worship the same God and that Christ has revealed himself in many different religious forms to all cultures around the world. Subsequently, the Global hatred and persecution for the true Christian faith is on the rise and even within this nation. Liberal leaders within groups such as the World Council of Churches even have the audacity to call evangelical activity of any kind, both arrogant and anti-cultural based on this false ecumenical premise, that all religions worship the same God. The truth is friend; all religions do NOT worship the same God. The only one and true God is Yahweh God whose earthly incarnation was his son Jesus Christ, who was also pre-incarnate and became the perfect living sacrifice, sent to redeem humanity from impending judgment and the everlasting fire to come.
From the liberal church leader’s viewpoint, witnessing to the lost is totally redundant because if the Christian share’s his faith, he’s simply wasting his time because the Muslim or Buddhist is already aware of God’s presence in a different form. Friend this is a lie but this society is becoming increasingly saturated in the lies of the enemy, who has own tares among wheat and convinced modern man he’s fine as he is, all the while he’s very much in danger of slipping off into eternal damnation all because he doesn’t want to be offended at the mere mention of his sinful nature, embrace the Gospel and acknowledge the one true God as Savior.
In June 1997 there was a meeting at Stanford University and over 200 delegates from religious groups got together and established an international interfaith organization called The Organization of United Religions. This ecumenical movement, rooted in Apostasy, is the beginning of what I believe, will become, the false one world religion having its full manifestation in the Tribulation period and it will be fronted by the False Prophet, spoken of in the book of Revelation. This precursor to “Mystery Babylon the Great,” mentioned in (Rev 17:5), whom the kings of the earth have fornicated themselves with and made drunk with her wine, is the final rebellious act by an unrepentant people who embrace all that is false instead of the truth of God’s word. As Darrell Bock said from Dallas Theological Seminary, “Babylon is a cipher for the world system that is opposed to God.”
In fact, this Mystery Babylon represents a global world empire that will be united in both its religion and government, with this one world religion as just one division of that empire, along with the interlocking network of transnational companies, foundations, government agencies, international banks, and everything else that goes to make up the mystery that is Babylon, this end time world empire. But friend, in this time period, right now we are seeing the genesis of mystery Babylon today, within our very midst by the joining together of all false religions under one banner. One conference leader put it this way, “The Organization of United Religions is meant to be for religions what the United Nations is for the nations“. Friend, we should never forget, the tower of Babel under Nimrod (in Genesis 11) was man’s ungodly and futile attempt to unite under the banner of one government, language and religion. This vain endeavor was sabotaged by God but there’s soon coming a united world government with all factions of society under the control of one man, having ten regions, whether by voluntary compliance or force if necessary.
Then in that very same year of 1997, the Archbishop of Canterbury and high-ranking Cardinals from the Papacy were summoned to a meeting in Melbourne, Australia for a conference on religion and cultural diversity. At the opening banquet the lights were dimmed and this is what they prayed friend, and I want you to listen very closely to the words of this wishy-washy prayer…”Let us focus on the candle, the small quivering fire, the light in the darkness, the call to evening prayer, the call to thanksgiving… for our togetherness, for our unity as sons and daughters of the earth in this vast and ancient land, this sacred soil of the Dream-time. In the presence of the Ineffable Other, the Holy Being of Infinity, the Numinous Beyond, the One and the Ultimate, the Alpha and the Omega, the Unknown and the Unknowable, Lord of the Cosmos, Center of Creation… we pray to you…”
Friend, let me ask you this, are we sons and daughters of earth or God? Did you notice there was no mention of the one true God Jesus Christ in that prayer? This is like spitting in Christ’s face and downgrading his monumental sacrifice as just another blip in history instead of the pivotal and prodigious event that defined human history. In the hodgepodge of world religions, Christianity is just another religion supposedly equal to all the rest. This is a lie from the pit of Hell but it was a very inoffensive prayer wasn’t it, with a focus on unity and togetherness, albeit at the expense of acknowledging the one true Almighty Yahweh God. Friend, this focus of the people being the sons and daughters of earth instead of God is a theme that the ecumenical movement often purveys. As I’ve said in previous broadcasts, the earth is represented by many, as a living entity under the moniker of Gaia, championed by Anthropogenic Global Warming proponents, and the thrux of this coming One World Religion or Universal Church is fixating the worship of the earth’s populace from the creator to the creation, which is warned about in Romans Chapter One.
According to them, the nexus of the global community is to heal the earth with an implication that the earth is just another type of living entity in God’s creation. In a recent encyclical in June 2015, Pope Francis, said and I quote…“Climate change is a global problem with grave implications: environmental, social, economic, political and for the distribution of goods,” he writes. “It represents one of the principal challenges facing humanity in our day.” Did you notice friend, this fictional existential Global warming threat seeks to impact everything and everyone! As I’ve said in a previous broadcast, Anthropogenic Global Warming is a hoax and it will be utilized by Globalists to strip nations of their sovereignty and wealth, causing them to come under one government and Pope Francis clearly condones this threat.
Now let me warn you, whenever you hear the word inclusive or inclusivism, a red flag should go off in your spirit because any one who utters these words will be accepting of all religions except true Christianity. Christianity has and will always be exclusive to and for those who accept Jesus Christ. But Pastor this sounds offensive! You’re right friend; it does sound offensive because the Gospel is innately offensive. In Matt 13:21, Jesus warned his disciples that tribulation and persecution would arise in this life ‘because of the word’ spoken and offense often results, because the heart of the Gospel proclaims man is a sinner and he must repent of his sins or he will die and go to Hell, but not everyone is willing to accept this. Instead of acknowledging this truth the leaders and members of The Organization of United Religions have all patted each other on the back and said, ” I’m ok, you’re ok, I accept you, you accept me, so we must all be accepted in God’s eyes as we’re all united in our beliefs, just as long as we take care of mother earth we’ll be fine“. Friend, they are nothing but deceiving themselves. There cannot be many truths only one. This principal is embedded within the physical and spiritual laws of the universe.
In 1989 the Anglican Archbishop, Robert Runcie, called for all Christians to accept the Pope as “a common leader presiding in love.” Runcie made his appeal at an evening prayer service midway through his first official visit to the Vatican. he said, “For the universal church, I renew the plea, could not all Christians come to reconsider the kind of primacy the bishop of Rome exercised with the early church, ‘a presiding in love’ for the sake of the unity of the churches in the diversity of their mission?”
Oh friend, I can hear Charles Spurgeon rolling in his grave right now at the sound of these chilling words. How dare Runcie say such a thing! The Roman Catholic Papacy like I’ve said before has been responsible for the death of 50 million Protestants since 606AD as documented by Historian John Dowling in 1871 and the ‘Right Reverend Runcy’ wants the Protestant church to submit to Rome’s leadership in an act of allegiance? Are you kidding me? I don’t think so. Lest we forget the very purpose of the Jesuit organization or ministry of priests, founded by the soldier Ignatius de Loyola was to counter and attempt to destroy the Protestant Reformation, countering Martin Luther’s heavenly revelation that man was saved by Grace alone through faith and not by works.
Some have described the Jesuits as the Storm troopers of the Papacy, but did you know the current pope is also a Jesuit? Friend, we are in dangerous times and above all we are in very deceptive times. In this desire for the unity of all world religions, we are seeing the initial stages of the formulation of the coming one world religion, soon presided over by a false prophet as mentioned in Rev 13:11-18. In addition, the Antichrist will establish one world government in unison with the false prophet, which is also mentioned in Rev 13:1-10. Like I said before, I believe the true church or Body of Christ will never see this come to pass because we are the very restraining influence in this earth holding back his appearing until the time of God’s choosing and rapture of the Church.
In an even more disturbing recent development. US Lutherans approved a document in Aug 2016, recognizing agreement with the Catholic Church as part of a celebration of the Protestant Reformation. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America or (ELCA) presiding bishop Elizabeth Eaton commented on this document in a recent interview saying, “This ‘Declaration on the Way’ document helps us to realize more fully our unity in Christ with our Catholic partners, but it also serves to embolden our commitment to unity with all Christians.” There’s that word ‘unity’ again friend, but unity unfortunately at the cost of orthodox doctrine. If Charles Spurgeon was rolling in his grave earlier then Martin Luther might have jumped out of his coffin after hearing this, knowing his work has now been compromised by modern day Lutheran’s who’ve chosen to submit to Rome instead of God’s words as Luther boldly proclaimed.
Friend, if you’re Catholic listening to these words please do not be offended because I’m quoting facts not opinions. I have nothing against Catholic people and many of whom truly love the Lord with all their heart, but there are some clear doctrinal issues that need to be addressed here concerning the concept of Mary as a perpetual virgin, or the veneration of Mary on par with Christ or repetitious prayers or the worship of statues and idol, or confessing to a priest etc. No true Christian or Catholic will ever compromise the word of God with the traditions of men and to do so is an act of compromise based on what the Holy Scriptures reveal.
Friend, we believe in Sola Scriptura which is Latin for “by Scripture alone” not scripture and an earthly representative or Vicar of Christ. The scriptures are the sole infallible rule of faith and practice, and the latest encyclical must always be measured in light of God’s Word. Stick close to the Lord Jesus friend, and you will be no part of the coming world religion.
Friend, if you’re Catholic listening to these words please do not be offended because I’m quoting facts not opinions. I have nothing against Catholic people and many of whom truly love the Lord with all their heart, but there are some clear doctrinal issues that need to be addressed here concerning the concept of Mary as a perpetual virgin, or the veneration of Mary on par with Christ or repetitious prayers or the worship of statues and idol, or confessing to a priest etc. No true Christian or Catholic will ever compromise the word of God with the traditions of men and to do so is an act of compromise based on what the Holy Scriptures reveal.
Friend, we believe in Sola Scriptura which is Latin for “by Scripture alone” not scripture and an earthly representative or Vicar of Christ. The scriptures are the sole infallible rule of faith and practice, and the latest encyclical must always be measured in light of God’s Word. Stick close to the Lord Jesus friend, and you will be no part of the coming world religion.
Title: The Coming One World Religion
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