In this final broadcast of the series, Carl shares the importance of building a firm foundation if something is built to last. The Empire State building in New York, required a very deep foundation, and the granite stones found in Central Park are testimony to this. If you want to do something great for God in this lifetime, you too must allow Christ to forge a godly foundation in your character. God’s calendar is different from our own and He often takes much longer to accomplish His desires, than we’d like. Join Carl now as he wraps up the series on how God works in and through us to achieve His vision for our lives…
Here is a complete transcript of the podcast…(below)
Friend, this is the fourth and final session, a short session remaining on the birth, death, and supernatural fulfillment cycle that God uses in his word. So why does he go through this process with us? It’s because of the vast weight of his calling and our responsibility to act in a godly manner and have character to back it up. Think about it. The Empire State Building, you know, when you go to the park on the north side of Manhattan Island, Central Park, you can see a whole bunch of rock there in the park, a whole bunch of granite and other stones. Do you know why they’re there, friend? They are there because they are the foundations that were dug up for the skyscrapers you see in the lower part of that island. In other words, the Empire State Building is as third deep as the building is high. They had to remove a third of the amount of stone beneath the ground, building upon solid rock for a building to go into the air of that height. There is a very strong foundation that God is putting in you. He is laying a firm foundation in you, and this takes time. This takes effort and cooperation with us.
But oh friend, when that building is built, it will withstand the mightiest of winds, and it will be a thing of splendor and majesty for all to see. And that is the character development that God is putting in you, friend. It’s the same way for the king, for the leader, for the lawgiver, for the redeemer, for the church usher, for the worship leader. The process is the same for all of us. We must prove our continual reliability upon God and our reliance on him, not succumbing to compromise, being open to correction and loving people along the way. This is how we carry out God’s plan, and we must not show any credit for it. Sounds easy, right? Yeah, I’m laying on the theology today, but it takes these character traits to be effective and successful as far as God’s concerned by his definition. There are three things, friend, three distinct objectives that God has for us on this earth while we are pressing through and fulfilling the vision that he has called for us. Number one, we are to preach the gospel to ‘every creature,’ Mark 16:15.
Number two, ‘we’re to be conformed to the image of Christ,’ Romans 8:29. And finally, we are here, put on this earth, to destroy the works of the devil at every opportunity, 1 John 3:8. Never forget your mandate, friend, is to do those three things while we are sojourning on this foreign territory. At any stage in this BDSF cycle, our focus should be on one of these three objectives, and we should also realize that God does test us occasionally along the way without us realizing. Instead of being frustrated during this time, however, we should embrace it, realizing that it’s for our benefit, because when God tests us, it’s for our promotion. It’s crucial that we delineate between God’s testing and the temptations of the devil at all times, friend. God will convict us. He will never condemn us. If he tests us, it is for character development and for sanctification, never to bring us down and kick us in the mud. That’s not God, friend. He is a loving heavenly father who cares deeply and intimately about us today and into the future. Now join me live, for our last and fourth part of this session. This takes discernment. It takes wisdom to know the difference. I have found in my experience, if it’s something the enemy is blocking me in my life, if I command it to go, or if I pray, it’s going to lift pretty rapidly. But when you are praying for something and pounding and pounding and pounding, and nothing is happening, nothing is happening, friends, God is putting the door up.
You are not going to walk through that door, okay? You can be strong. You can pray, and that door still isn’t opening. God is going, wake up. You are not going through that door, okay? Now, there’s some pretty persistent people in this room, amen? I can tell. I used to be one of those people. Until you run into a brick wall and break your face, then it’s like, man, I am not doing that again, amen? Not everybody’s run into the wall yet. I don’t recommend it, but there’s some things we’re not supposed to be doing, and we have to discern that. I can’t walk your life out for you. You can’t walk my life out. We all have our own decisions to make, right? The Holy Spirit is going to guide us in that daily process, amen? But listen to your heart and read the word of God. Oh, I just can’t be bothered with that. Friend, the revelation that comes from God’s word is priceless. The number of times I’ve said, Lord, give me a word, and I’ve just opened up the Bible, and it’s right there. That’s what I needed to hear, amen? He can quicken a word to your spirit. He can quicken a word, all right? A wise man once said, it’s one thing to make Jesus your Savior, and another thing to make him Lord over your life.
Many people want a Savior who forgives sin, but they don’t want a risen Lord who tells them how to live. Whoa. Some people want fire insurance, I’m in heaven, I’m in heaven. I said the little prayer. How exciting for you, you little baby, you said the little prayer. That’s so good. What happens on day two when the enemy comes knocking? Well, I need to know some word here. I mean, I need to know some stuff. Yes, you do. You do need to know some stuff, all right? Have you made Jesus Lord? In other words, have you made Jesus Lord over your finances? Have you made Jesus Lord over your love life? Have you made Jesus Lord over your vocation? Over your vacation? What areas are you still squirming about? Don’t touch that, that’s mine. He’s like, no, I’m going to burn that up, dude. That’s the very thing I’m pushing right now. That’s uncomfortable. This is called idols burning up, friends. Ouch, ouch, idols burning up.
God’s always going to test that, right? If we’re going through the refining process, if we’re going through sanctification, he’s going to be touching those rough edges going, ow, you need to change that, ow, ow, ow. Then he’s going to comfort you, amen? He’s going to comfort you as well. It’s not just all about prodding. It’s my job as pastor to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comforted, amen? In other words, there’s some people who are apathetic and they don’t want to embrace the word and go to the next step. They’re the ones we afflict with the word. Then there’s other people who want to be comforted because they’ve had some woes in their life. Yes, there’s a time and season for everything, right? Tonight, I’m stirring you by the Holy Spirit. I’m prodding you saying God has desire to do things through each and every one of you. Don’t give up. Don’t give up. That’s what I’m saying. Seriously, don’t give up. Even though you may have tried a thousand times, don’t give up. It’s time to dream again. We’re going to do an activation here.
We’re going to actually go into prayer and we’re going to release some stuff. We’re going to say, Lord, you know what? I’m going to get rid of all my past hurts and failures regarding what you’ve called me to do. Then I’m going to believe from this night forward that you’re going to recast vision in my heart. See, I like to preach the word, but I don’t just want to give information. We have to engage with the word, right? We have to respond to it. The Holy Spirit is saying, you’ve heard my word. Are you going to respond? We’re going to have a time of response. I call it activation, where we literally put our faith behind our words and say, let’s do this. And by allowing him to enter in, he’s able to do it. Amen. Because he wants permission. God wants permission to move in your life. We need to invite him in, right? Friend, you’ve been listening to me for several days now, but let me ask you this. What is your vision? What has God called you to do? You know, many years ago, you may have written in your journal the very thing that God has called you to do, but you’ve abandoned it. It has gone into that time of dormancy. In fact, you’ve probably quit. You’re like, there’s no way I could even do that. I don’t even know how to start.
Friend, time is short. Jesus’s return is imminent. His rapture is coming around the corner. There is no sign that needs to be completed for the rapture to occur. It’s time to get busy for the kingdom. It’s time to do what he has called you to do that you’ve forgotten about. Friend, I ask you right now, turn the hurts, pains, and disappointments and discouragements over to him today in a time of confession in your private devotional time. And just say, Lord, I want to start afresh. I want to do what you’ve called me to do. I don’t want to waste a moment’s time. And friend, the Lord will guide you. He will show you the next step to get back on track, to fulfill the thing that he desires you to do. And friend, there’s so much fulfillment. There’s so much peace in doing the perfect will of God. You know, like I said at the beginning of the broadcast, sometimes there’s some doors you’re never going to open because God is stopping them. You can pray all day and rebuke the enemy until your rebuker runs out. But I believe it’s not the enemy stopping you, friend. God is bringing another opportunity across your path, a better one.
And friend, you’ve got to lay your idols aside and say, Lord, nevertheless, your will be done because I’m not enjoying my life the way it is right now. And friend, that is true humility, what I just said, casting aside your will, casting aside your desires in the death process and saying, I myself no longer live, but Christ lives in me and I will fulfill what he has for me. In fact, let me pray for you right now, friend. If you’re driving, don’t close your eyes, OK? Just focus upon my words. If you’re in your home or somewhere where you can shut your eyes, focus on the Lord. Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask you to stir the hearts of the people listening right now, that person who has put your will aside and has given up and quit and is in the wilderness. Father, I pray in the name of Jesus that you would revive his or her vision back to where it should be, that you’re going to show him or her the very steps that are required to get back on track. Father, they lay aside all hurts and wounds right now. And you said you’d heal the broken hearted, a broken spirit who can bear. Father, I thank you for restoration in this person’s life, that they can get back on track and one more time walk in the path that you have for them. I thank you that Satan is bound in the name of Jesus and that they are no longer restricted in what God has for them. In the blessed name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.
Now, friend, let me switch gears with you right now. I’ve been on the radio for, what, five months and I’ve enjoyed it immensely. I have had a wonderful response. I’ve had requests for transcripts, I’ve had testimony sent my way, questions, even disagreements, and that’s great. I’m very grateful for the outpouring you have shown to us by email from the radio. But let me ask you, if you listen to this every day and it’s somehow impacted your life and you feel like you’ve benefited from it, would you consider making an offering online or in the mail? Now, what I would ask you is simply do what the Holy Spirit says. I’m not trying to do a rah-rah speech or do this or do that. All I’m asking is, would you listen to the Holy Spirit and ask him if you would consider making a donation to us? We would be very grateful. In fact, I’m halfway through the broadcasting year and I haven’t asked this before, but I’m asking it now. And we have had donations and we are grateful for those.
We are a partner-supported ministry and we rely upon the offerings that come through these doors and the Lord’s gracious provision as we continue to preach the gospel on radio. And what a wonderful blessing it has been because I have made new friends through the radio. Perhaps you would consider being a monthly partner with us. You could send it in the mail or you can do a reoccurring donation online. Something to consider if the Holy Spirit prompts you that way. You can also send me a topic that you want to talk about that I could research. These times right now, friend, you need to be in the Word because frankly you just look over your shoulder and the headlines are pretty crazy as you can see. But it’s so important that you keep your peace and it’s so important that you continue to sow into the gospel of your provision, of your finances, that you may reap in due course. He that sows sparingly will reap sparingly, but he that sows bountifully shall reap bountifully. And I thank you for following the promptings of the Holy Spirit today, friend. Have a great day.
Title: The BDSF Cycle: Part 4 (LIVE)
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