Whether it’s Agatha Christie, Enid Blyton, John Le Carre or Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, everyone loves a good mystery novel. When the antagonist is...
Mystery Babylon the Great is a religious and apostate system which rides the beast (Satan) mentioned only once in scripture (Rev 17:5). Mystery...
Some people think God is the source of all their problems. He isn’t. Trouble is, the devil makes us think He is. This is what Brother Hagin called...
Hell is mentioned 49 times in the King James Bible. Jesus spoke far more about Hell than Heaven. He did so to warn people, not to go there...
Many people think the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven are synonymous, but they are not. The striking difference between these two kingdoms...
Many Christians believe Jesus will return at any moment but is their ideology based on scripture? Critics scoff at the mere mention of Christ’s...
Did you know Jesus is alluded to in each and every book of the Bible? Consider the themes of the sixty-six books and know, ‘He’ is Jesus:...
God can use anyone, and even if you don’t feel qualified, You’re in good company!God doesn’t require a job interview. He doesn’t hire and fire...
Christ’s birth was indeed a miracle but perhaps equally as miraculous is the fulfillment of prophecy, regarding His first coming. The blood line of...
We’ve all heard that ‘good things come to those who wait,’ but is the secret sauce in the waiting or does it lie elsewhere? Where exactly do...
Few men have achieved so much, in such a short span of time as Alexander the Great (c. 356 B.C.-323 B.C.). He is a monumental historical figure...
A Bible that’s falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t.”Charles H. SpurgeonEnglish Fundamentalist Baptist Minister(1834-1892) I believe...