
AuthorCarl Joseph

Carl is a biblical scholar, minister, husband, father and life coach. In his mid-twenties he had a powerful encounter with God and saw miraculous healings as a result. He passionately shares these stories and empowers others to fulfill their God-given potential.

woman rides beast


Mystery Babylon the Great is a religious and apostate system which rides the beast (Satan) mentioned only once in scripture (Rev 17:5). Mystery...

lake of fire

The Compartments of Hell

Hell is mentioned 49 times in the King James Bible. Jesus spoke far more about Hell than Heaven. He did so to warn people, not to go there...

12 Signs of Christ’s Return

Many Christians believe Jesus will return at any moment but is their ideology based on scripture? Critics scoff at the mere mention of Christ’s...

God Can Use You!

God can use anyone, and even if you don’t feel qualified, You’re in good company!God doesn’t require a job interview. He doesn’t hire and fire...