
Missionary Update: 2022

Carl is a biblical scholar, minister, husband, father and life coach. In his mid-twenties he had a powerful encounter with God and saw miraculous healings as a result. He passionately shares these stories and empowers others to fulfill their God-given potential.

When my wife coaxed me to start an online presence at the end of last year, little did I know we would be supporting four missionaries overseas by the end of this calendar year. Just to be clear, these ministers contacted us for support, having been encouraged by our website resources. I had no contact with them, prior to the launch of this website. What you’re about to read is Christ’s handiwork!

At present, we support three pastors in Kenya and one in India. We’ve also distributed bibles to the homeless in New York City. Kenya has a strong Christian heritage and God is doing a great work in Kenya. India has long been on the heart of Pastor John Osteen since the 1980’s and is ripe for the Gospel. There’s great need for the Gospel around the globe and we hope to fulfill some part of it by putting your funds to good use.  We’re believing God to assist more missionaries worldwide, as the funds are made available, pending your generosity.

If you’re a regular visitor of this website, and have benefited from either the podcasts or blogs, then please consider supporting us financially, on an ongoing basis. Please click here to help.

Our seasoned missionaries are no strangers to persecution and often convert Muslims as part of their outreach. They’re courageous, dedicated and driven by the desire to reach lost souls for Christ despite much hardship. Their primary need is the word of God in their native language. Our funds have enabled them to distribute many bibles to their congregants, providing crucial and timely resources.

We are looking for 50 partners to support us on an ongoing basis. Please prayerfully consider this request and ask the Lord if you are one of these potential partners.

Pastor 1
Ministering in Vijayawada City, Prakasam District (Andhra Pradesh State, South India)

India is in dire need of assistance with only 2% of the population claiming to be Christian. The cultural idol worship and traditional caste system, makes spreading the Gospel very difficult. This experienced pastor has distributed bibles into the native (Telugu) language near the major city of Vijayawada for many years now. He has a heart for the most unreached and poverty-stricken regions of southern India. He is also the leader of several pastors in the region. Periodically he visits the unreached Dalit areas in the Yandrapalem Eastern hill ranges, where orphaned children are hearing the Gospel for the first time. Pastor is heavily involved in street ministry, tribal ministry, orphanages, youth ministry, Muslim outreach and establishing prayer networks. Are you willing to assist this Pastor financially?…Consider making a donation today.

Congregation = 175
Salvation’s = 675
Water Baptisms = 130
Bibles/NT Distributed = 350

Pastor 2
Ministering in the municipality of Kisii or Getembe (Nyamira County, Kenya, Africa)

This brave and seasoned pastor is a leader to other pastors in the region. He’s been on the front line of God’s kingdom for many years. Due to his evangelistic efforts, bibles are in great demand for new congregants, both in English and his native tongue. This pastor has a heart for orphans and regularly baptizes new believers at the point of salvation. His family were attacked by Muslim bandits in the 3rd quarter of this year, burning his new church to the ground but thankfully no-one came to harm. Pastor has seen many Catholics and Muslims convert to Christianity, joining his church in the process. It’s not uncommon for his Muslim converts to lay down their Quaran’s and pick up one of our bibles. He’s also seen favor, with land owners donating to his ministry. So dire are his needs, his family sometimes goes without food for days…would you be willing to support our brother?…Consider making a donation today.

= 658 (6 campuses and 8 pastors)
Salvation’s = 420
Water Baptisms = 347
Holy Spirit Baptism = 60
Bibles/NT Distributed = 234

Pastor 3
Ministering through the five regions of Migori, Nyamira, Keroka, Nyacheki and Kenyenya
(Kenya, Africa)

This young tenacious pastor, who works alongside two co-pastors, was raised powerfully from his sickbed in the middle part of this year, after I prayed for him. Sadly, his region has been deeply impacted by heavy rain, attacks by bandits and periodic flooding. Despite this, he remains on fire for God and has ministered in some of the remotest regions of Kenya, especially to Muslims. At this time, the Kenyan government is amenable to the Gospel, but that could change in a heartbeat. Pastor recently reached 60 couples for Christ, teaching out of bibles we sent him earlier this year. He also carries out weekly Gospel crusades in the region and sometimes the jungle. Since our support, he has seen 80 new members in his congregation. Would you be willing to help our brother?…Consider making a donation today.

= 530
Salvation’s = 305
Water Baptisms = 301
Holy Spirit Baptism = 54
Bibles/NT Distributed = 130

Pastor 4
Ministering in the town of Kilgoris, Narok County (Kenya, Africa)

This pastor is an ordained minister having recently joined our network. Historically she’s been involved in prison ministry, orphanage ministry and hospital outreach but now Pastors a large congregation. She’s believing God for a permanent building. It’s her goal to purchase 300 iron sheets to complete the church building roof. She’s currently in possession of 88 iron sheets, with 212 remaining. These sheets are vital in the rainy season, which runs till April of next year. Pastor has two split congregations. One consisting of 70 members and another of 53 members (123 total). Some of her congregants travel vast distances to attend the services. She presently meets on a weekly basis under a large tree. There are currently 47,000 church buildings in the United States, each with heating and air conditioning. Such is the dedication of this pastor, that her only shelter is a tree at present. The people in Kenya are hungry for God’s Word and deserve our assistance. Would you be willing to help our sister purchase the remaining iron roof sheets?…Consider making a donation today.

= 136
Salvation’s = 114
Water Baptisms = 72
Holy Spirit Baptism = 10
Bibles/NT Distributed = 4

Truly the harvest is plenteous but the laborers are few (Mat 9:35-38), we must help these laborers in their time of need. Our ministry is also in partnership with Triumphant Ministries International. To find out more about the fantastic work that Rick and Angie are doing, click here.

Have you believed on the Lord Jesus Christ? If not, click here to find out more…

Author – Carl G.M. Joseph

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