As we close out another so called ‘pride’ month, Carl takes time to review how we got here. How exactly did our society slip into the moral cesspool...
One of the most compelling and unique attributes of the Holy Bible is its foretelling of world empires, hundreds of years prior to their inception...
The New Testament is replete with warnings about fornication and its potential to not only hinder our relationship with Christ, but harm our soul...
Holding on to unforgiveness is a severe hindrance. Many Christians are under demonic oppression without realizing it, because they refuse to forgive...
In a recent UK documentary, a supposed scholar on the discussion panel, had the audacity to claim Jesus never existed! After nearly falling off his...
Does the Quran teach ‘love, peace and harmony’ with other religions or are so-called ‘Islamic extremists,’ merely carrying out the...
Christianity is unique because it revolves around the death of its founder. No other religion seeks to glorify death in such a manner, albeit...
Darwinist’s often mock those who cite the existence of Giants throughout history, as it opposes their ungodly worldview. However, not only are Giants...
Some think God has a button in heaven which He presses when their time is up. But is this true? Is there a time to die or do we have a say in the...
Few realize the founder of Planned Parenthood and the birth control movement (Margaret Sanger) had a traumatic childhood which was a contributing...
Are you the kind of person who worries all the time? Many people fall into this category and I know I’ve struggled with worry myself, down the years...
At the last Supper, Christ said, He would not drink of the fruit of the vine until He drinks it once again in His Father’s kingdom. He was of course...