In this third and final broadcast, Carl gets down to brass tax and discusses the reasons we might feel rejected. It is crucial we guard our hearts...
In this broadcast, Carl takes the time to reveal one of the most powerful concepts from the book of Genesis, namely the, Shame, Fear, Control...
A wounded heart left unresolved can cause major problems in our lives, yet many people are the walking wounded without realizing it. In this...
Did you know God’s word reveals the precise date of Christ’s crucifixion? Believe it or not, the Old Testament prophets, left clues as to the exact...
During the intertestamental period (i.e., between the Old and New Testaments), there were several significant historical events, one of which was the...
This serves as the first of three broadcasts on the minor prophetic Book of Daniel. Daniel chapter seven is a parallel passage to Daniel chapter two...
In this third and final part of the series, Carl reviews the four ways God communicates to us, ranging from the inner witness to the authoritative...
In the second part of this series, Carl continues to review the various ways in which God guides us in making wise decisions. Carl reveals five key...
Everyone makes tough decisions these days, whether relational, financial, social, or business related. Each decision we make has a far-reaching...
In this revealing broadcast, Carl investigates the mysterious ‘trump of God,’ mentioned in the famous rapture passage of first Corinthians, chapter...
There is no greater honor than to praise our creator! Some people just don’t ‘feel’ like praising God but if we are ruled by our feelings, we’ll...
It’s time to get your praise on! Carl takes time to review powerful case studies in God’s word, where praise became a powerful weapon for those in...