The precise age of the earth has baffled scientists and geologists down the centuries, ranging from 6000 to 4.5 billion years. Not only that, many...
Presently the world’s Jewish population is close to 16 million. Being Jewish is an ancestral and religious identity, with most Jews, living in the...
The Apostle Paul’s ‘thorn in the flesh’ is often used as an excuse for believers to quit on God. Some scholars claim Paul’s thorn was a metaphor for...
Does God approve of everything He allows? If He is in control of ‘everyone’ and ‘everything,’ how can we justify so many ‘if’s’ in the Holy Bible...
Knowing our authority in Christ is perhaps the most important aspect of Christendom, after salvation. In this live broadcast (the first of a three...
Is ‘Christian Science’ merely another Christian denomination or is there a sinister undertone to the ‘Reading Rooms,’ scattered throughout the nation...
Christians are often accused of being bigoted or overtly judgmental. Some claim Christians should never judge anyone, because Jesus spoke against it...
Of the 217 Modern English Bible translations and counting, does once stand out as ‘the’ word of God? Most modern scholars do not believe we have...
The age-old question of why God allows suffering in this world has baffled theologians for centuries. But could the cause of our woeful predicament...
God made us righteous by Christ’s atoning blood sacrifice. Many Christians still hold on to a stubborn ‘sin consciousness’ which identifies them...
Hope must come first. Without hope, we will never see the promises of God manifest in our lives. Many Christians are ‘hoping’ their prayers are...
Faith is a substance; therefore, it can be measured. Hope desires an outcome, but faith is how we attain the outcome. The Bible says, faith can...