

Psalm 22: Psalm of the Crucifixion

This psalm describes in detail the excruciating pain and suffering which our Lord and Savior underwent to pay our wage of sin. On at least eight...

Psalm 16: Resurrection of the Messiah

This psalm is one of nine psalms grouped together (psalms 16-24), which describe the prophetical aspect of Christ’s resurrection and His desire to...

God Wants to Communicate: Part 2 (LIVE)

In the second part of the series, Carl shares personal testimony of how God has spoken to him through the years. It is imperative we seek to hear God...

God Wants to Communicate: Part 1 (LIVE)

If you mentioned to a friend in passing that you ‘talk to God’ they might think you are off your rocker, however, listening to the Holy Spirit should...

Psalm 8: God’s Crowning Achievement

This messianic psalm is quoted three times in the New Testament, and is a beautiful expression of praise to God. David is in awe of God’s creation...

Once Saved…always Saved?

Does scripture teach that a believer is eternally secure, even if they decide to abandon Christ altogether? This doctrine is taught in Calvinist and...

Faith and Confession

Many Christians are ignorant of numerous scriptures which refer to the importance of our everyday speech. In fact, our words are the very means by...

Psalm 5: Vengeance is Mine

This is the first of the imprecatory psalms, one in which the author seeks the destruction of his foes. But can we pray the same prayers in this...

Psalm 2: End of Globalism

One day in the not-too-distant future Christ will rule and reign in a theocracy on this earth. A theocracy is a form of government with divine...