

The Rise of Doublespeak

Doublespeak is language which deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words and there’s plenty of it going around...

Remember the 5th of November

These words were popularized by the recent movie, ‘V for Vendetta,’ but what most Americans might not realize, is the poem from which it stems, has...

The BDSF Cycle: Part 4 (LIVE)

In this final broadcast of the series, Carl shares the importance of building a firm foundation if something is built to last. The Empire State...

The BDSF Cycle: Part 3 (LIVE)

Joseph serves as a typology of Christ in the Old Testament and we can learn much from his altruistic life. Joseph was labeled a suffering servant and...

The BDSF Cycle: Part 2 (LIVE)

Some people are following their own vision, yet God desires us to seek His instead. Any fulfillment of a self-aggrandized vision will have no reward...

The BDSF Cycle: Part 1 (LIVE)

Some contend that God works in ‘mysterious ways,’ and scripture alludes to this. Our ways are certainly not His. The goal of any Christian is to be...

How old is the Earth?

The precise age of the earth has baffled scientists and geologists down the centuries, ranging from 6000 to 4.5 billion years. Not only that, many...

The Dangers of Judaism

Presently the world’s Jewish population is close to 16 million. Being Jewish is an ancestral and religious identity, with most Jews, living in the...

Authority of the Believer: Part 3 (LIVE)

The Apostle Paul’s ‘thorn in the flesh’ is often used as an excuse for believers to quit on God. Some scholars claim Paul’s thorn was a metaphor for...

Authority of the Believer: Part 2 (LIVE)

Does God approve of everything He allows? If He is in control of ‘everyone’ and ‘everything,’ how can we justify so many ‘if’s’ in the Holy Bible...

Authority of the Believer: Part 1 (LIVE)

Knowing our authority in Christ is perhaps the most important aspect of Christendom, after salvation. In this live broadcast (the first of a three...

The Dangers of Christian Science

Is ‘Christian Science’ merely another Christian denomination or is there a sinister undertone to the ‘Reading Rooms,’ scattered throughout the nation...