The gift of interpretation of tongues is the last of the three utterance gifts. Interpretation of tongues is ‘the showing forth by the Holy Spirit...
Diver’s tongues are ‘supernatural utterance by the Holy Spirit in a language the speaker has never learned.’ This language is not understood by the...
The gift of the discerning of spirits is ‘supernatural insight into the spiritual world.’ This insight encompasses the workings of man’s spirit...
The Gift of prophecy is the first of the three utterance gifts. Of these three gifts, prophecy is the best gift. The gift of prophecy is meant to...
A miracle can be defined as a supernatural intervention by God in the ordinary course of nature. Miracles are described as ‘signs,’ ‘wonders’ and...
This is the only gift that’s described plurally because there are different forms of healing to combat the various classes of sickness and disease...
The Gift of faith is somewhat mysterious as it’s difficult to clearly define. The Bible speaks of ‘saving faith’ and faith is also described as a...
This supernatural gift enables us to peer into the mind of God. At certain times of His choosing, God can reveal hidden facts by His Spirit that...
The Gift of the Word of Wisdom is distinctive from general wisdom gleaned from meditating on God’s Word. The Gift of the Word of Wisdom is unique in...
This broadcast serves as an introduction to an 11-part series on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. During this series, Carl will take time to show where...
Do you realize how much of a walking miracle, you truly are? If you’ve never taken the time to realize just how amazing you are, then this broadcast...
Someone once described the Bible as a bear trap for those who don’t rightly divide it. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, but not all...