

Joseph: A Type of Christ

Without doubt one of my favorite bible characters is Joseph. He endured many travails and hardships but also kept a heart of integrity toward God...

Is Jesus coming back?

Is Jesus Coming back? Yes, because He said He would: “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that...

You must forgive…

I cannot stress enough the importance of remaining free from offense and being quick to forgive people. Jewish Rabbinical tradition taught that a...

The Names of God: Part 1

We no longer hold names in high esteem as we once did. Back in the day, a name really meant something. In Biblical times, a name was granted as a...

Bible Statistics

The Bible as a Whole: Number of books– 66 Chapters– 1,189 Verses– 31,101 Words– 783,133 Letters– 3,566,480...

Who’s in control?

Let me ask you this, are you in control or is God in control? This question may seem controversial on the surface, yet it causes us to focus on our...

Why am I so ticked off?

This article may have a strange title, but I want you to consider your hearts condition right now. The Bible makes it very clear that we must, “Keep...

Are you spiritually blind?

It never ceases to amaze me how blind we are in the western world to spiritual forces. On a daily basis, we are arrayed against sin, the flesh and...

Your Bountiful Inheritance!

Very few people grasp the full ramifications of what Jesus Christ purchased for them on the cross. The bountiful inheritance Christ bestowed to us is...